Are you concerned that your pool plant system is no longer performing in a safe and effective manner? 

There are a number of important performance standards pool plant systems are required to meet in order to provide a pool which is clean, clear, and microbiologically safe. 

The only Pool Plant service, which can provide peace of mind, and a road map for ensuring you provide a safe pool experience for you customers, and that you can continue to do so into the future.

Our Pool Plant Audit will provide an expert evidence driven report on the current condition and performance of your Pool Plant system.

The Pool Plant Audit includes:



1. Pool Water Quality

Primary and Secondary Disinfection performance including review of onsite records

2. Microbiological Quality

Review of microbiological standards, including a full independent microbiological test

3. Pool Plant Maintenance

Review of maintenance requirements versus maintenance performed.

4. Pool Plant Recalculation

A full review of pool plant filtration design, and performance requirements

5. Ultrasonic Flow Assessment

A measure of pool filtration speeds, using a Portable Ultrasonic flow meter which can measure speeds of up to 13,000m3/hr

6. Pool Dye Testing*

Determine the performance of your distribution systems, with this independent chemical dye test.

Contact Us for a Quote

Tel: 028 7919 0948

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